It's been said that experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted. Now, I don't know how much I believe that statement, because some of the greatest experiences of my life have come from getting things I thought that I wanted. I've been high and I've been low, and I've learned incredibly important lessons from both. Two years ago, I was challenged to pen a list of some of the things I've learned, and I hope maybe I can shed some insight for you too.
I plan to add to and expand this list, so for now, just consider it a work in progress.
Lessons Learned
- Get a good night's sleep
- Set (multiple) alarm(s)
- Always leave home looking like you're going to see an ex or your worst enemy
- Get involved on campus and in the community
- Make sure there is always a camera around
- Take matters into your own hands
- Organization, organization, organization
- Don't trust most people farther than you can throw them
- Attend sporting events
- And tailgates, and dances, and other social events
- Some of the most eloquent papers stem from procrastination
- Some of the worst papers stem from procrastination
- Your guidance department won't be the best guidance you receive
- Keep smiling
- You never know who is watching
- If you run into a tree - twice - Ultimate Frisbee probably isn't for you
- Teachers have more than just school subjects to teach you, listen to them
- Just because something is challenging, don't run away from it. Practice until you get it right
- Skip school every now and then
- Don't take the easy way out
- There's more to life than dating an athlete (or a frat star)
- No one remembers the nights when they got a full night of sleep
- Grade's aren't everything
- Don't let other people define who you are
- The goal should be to laugh as much as you breathe
- Turn your wounds into wisdom.
- Make friends everywhere you go, they could turn into the greatest people in your life
- You don't have to have everything figured out
- Don't put lava lamps on the stove
- Walmart at 3 AM is the most entertainment you can find in a small town
- McDonald's at that time is usually sketchy as all get out
- Hit the deer, the insurance won't pay if you swerve
- It's okay to get up and dress nicely in the morning for school. I promise.
- You'll find a time when you stop being embarrassed by just about everything
- Try your hardest to see the big picture
- Driving fast is fun, but driving safely is better
- Relationships don't always last forever
- Your last name won't get you things in the real world
- High school is a time to be endured
- You might actually remember the fundamental theory of calculus
- Skype dates are a truly wonderful thing
- Lunch table conversations are one of the most honest things you'll ever hear
- Just laugh it off
- If you don't have fun, who will?
- Rainy days are the greatest for a pick-up football game
- Find a passion
- Act like a little kid - it's the best
- Having ambitions won't make you the most popular kid in high school
- Be nice to everyone, that's what they'll remember the most
- Don't sweat the small stuff... Too much
- Keep a journal
- Be a volunteer
- Driving around in your car or sitting near a body of water are great stress relievers
- Teachers hear everything
- Appreciate the little moments
- You don't have to be artistic, a little color goes a long way
- If something goes wrong, theres a good chance you're not the first one it has happened to
- Pay attention to road signs
- DUI checkpoints are terrifying even if you are driving sober
- Thank the members of our Armed Forces
- Music and quotes can express your feelings, even if you can't
- You don't have to be Bono or Bill Gates to change the world
- Go into new experiences with an open mind
- Never judge a book by its cover, in any situation
- Act like you're confident, even if you have no idea what you're doing
- Half-assing an activity because you're afraid looks so much worse than trying and failing
- Always keep a blanket, a pair of shoes, and jumper cables in your car
- Thank your parents for all they have done for you
- Stand up for yourself
- Identify your weaknesses
- When it rains, it pours - but it can't rain forever
- Some arguments just aren't worth the effort
- If your guy friends don't approve of a guy, they're probably onto something
- Don't let someone else ruin your friendships because you're in a relationship with them
- Life goes on
- Don't test a stapler on your finger. Or a pencil sharpener
- Believe it or not, there is a limit on the number of people you can fit ina revolving door
- Being punctual isn't a sin
- Being fashionably late every now and then isn't either
- A good scientist never has set expectations of results
- Take life one day at a time
- No one is perfect
- If at first you don't succeed, try again. And again. And again, until you get it right
- Think outside the box
- If it's cloudy, put your car windows up just in case
- Learn how to drive a manual transmission
The most important lesson that I've learned so far?
Just when you think you've got it all figured out - you learn something new.
You and this = perfection!!!