It's a funny thing to consider in the dead of winter, weeding out a garden that is. But I've been giving a lot of thought to the theory behind weeding, and how it is necessary in more facets of our lives than just our gardens. For a long time, I have let the negativity of pernicious people take over my mind and heart. I let myself become so consumed with the opinions of these people, and the value that they place on me, that I forget who I have worked so hard to become.
I know in my heart of hearts that I am living each day of my life to the fullest, because we only get one chance at this life. I make mistakes, I curse, I oversleep and miss class sometimes. I have hurt people who are close to me, and I have missed opportunities to tell people I loved just how much they meant to me. I'm a sinner, and I come from a long line of sinners like me.
So, in 2014, it's time to do some weeding of my own. Weed out the people in my life who only serve to judge me and bring me down. Weed out the people who feel the need to belittle my dreams and ambitions, people who don't want me to succeed. Weed out the people who passive aggressively voice their negative opinions of me on social media, unfollow, unfriend, delete.
The grass isn't always greener on the other side, it's greener where you water it. People will always believe what they want to believe, and I believe that it is time to water my flowers - not my weeds.
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