Tuesday, August 6, 2013

That big question

It feels like every time I meet someone new, they'll ask me to tell them about myself. I've never really known how quite to answer that.. Should I tell them the basics - my age, education, job, hometown, etc.? Or should I really tell them about me? I suppose I'll let you be the judge of that, and "tell you about myself".
I was born and raised in a small (read "almost non-existent") town in rural Pennsylvania, named Hadley. We have a population of just a little over 2,000. I went to the only school in town, one that sometimes was dubbed a "one-room schoolhouse," because we had one building for all the students K-12. To give you a better idea, it is neighbored by a corn field, an alpaca farm, a forest, and a community playground. Then, when I graduated high school in 2012, I decided it would be a good idea to move 426 miles from home, where I literally knew one person, and attend the University of Louisville. And I honestly couldn't be happier.

I'm 19 years young, as of July 7th of this year. I'm clearly a kid at heart. I love hot tea and classic novels. I'm a roller coaster junkie. My tastebuds have done almost a 180˚ turn around in the past year. I could talk your ear off if you let me, but most people realize quickly not to get me started on politics. I was a dancer for fifteen years, and am ecstatic to be able to perform in my studio's recital again this coming spring. I play with my hair when I'm thinking hard, and I've recently began to be able to bite my tongue rather than my foot.

I'm literally probably the goofiest person that you will ever come across in your life. I'm awkward and sassy. I love pretty things and clever words, and especially clichés. More times than not I believe my life should be one big soundtrack, because I listen to songs that fit it on repeat. I'm an only child, but I've always wished I had a big brother. I work at a law firm, and someday I hope to go to law school to become a corporate lawyer. I have recently developed a love for lacrosse and running.

I'm a proud Kappa Delta, and I can honestly say it was my best decision in addition to coming to the University of Louisville. Speaking of which, I live here now. I have an apartment, and I have truly become a Bourbon Country girl (although, there is a Pennsyltucky part of me I'll never be able to get rid of, even if I wanted to). I'll be celebrating my 1-year anniversary with the Derby City just a few days from now, on August 10th. I probably wouldn't have loved it here nearly as much if it weren't for my sisters though. We fight sometimes and don't always agree on things, but there is no one I'd rather have by my side through it all. I have been pretty blessed to have met my current boyfriend, Nick, as well.
I love people, and I love hearing their stories. I love fiction novels. Writing is an outlet for me that was inspired by a woman very special to my life, that I unfortunately lost in October 2011. My life is a real hot mess sometimes, but my wit and charm saves me. I truly believe I'm a Princess, and that's how I go through my day-to-day life. I built my foundation on absolute rock bottom, and I've had nowhere to go but up. I've lost it all, and I've been broken into pieces. The one thing I can truly say though, is that my spirit has never been broken, no matter what other pieces of me have.

I invite you to join me on this journey through my so-called life, now that you "know a little bit about me." I may stumble, and I may fall, but I'll do it with my head held high.

John Michael Montgomery said, "Life is a dance, learn as you go." And that's just what I plan to do.

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